
Cindy's story might be your story. Or, if not yours . . . then that of someone you love. I wrote about her from my perspective a couple months ago. This time, her story is in her words.

Here's my Q&A with Cindy.

Q: What is your prior experience with exercise?
A: I was a casual runner over 12 years ago running 3 miles 3 times a week. I was able to keep my weight consistant. Cardiac stent stopped me from doing something that rigorous. Tried clubs classes, bootcamps, Raw45, Yoga. All didn't address the anxiety I had after heart issues.

Q: Why did you decide to begin a new exercise program? 
A: Watching my aging parents lose their mobility. New job where I sit and weight gain of 20 pounds.

Q: What were some of the criteria for your decision of where to go?
A: Trust, guidance, and a challenging and very tailored work out.

Q: What made you choose The Fittest Me over another gym?
A: Once she instituted a gym membership, I could continue. And most importantly, Rebecca has a servant's heart. She gets me.

Q: How do you see yourself having improved the most since beginning? 
A: I am stronger, I can walk faster, I have lost the fear to exercise, and my outlook on life has improved!

Q: What are one or two of your most important fitness goals?
A: Strength and endurance.

Q: What do you enjoy most about working out at The Fittest Me?
A: Pushups, rowing, squats, and girl talk/community.

Q: Why would you recommend The Fittest Me to a friend?
A: Personal attention with a skilled coach, without being in a gym. That is intimidating and not peaceful for me.


Cindy has been my client from day one of opening our garage gym. The first few months were completely focused on managing and working through her exercise anxiety. And now? . . . we've entered a new stage . . . one where I can ask more of her. Some of her recent PRs (Personal Records) include: a 2:23 500m Row; 24 sit-ups in a minute; 7 Rounds + 5 Ring Rows in a 10:00 "Cindy" benchmark WOD; an 18" decrease push-up height; and a 1:07 plank hold. 

Her confidence is shining through in other ways too. She is showing proficiency in her deadlift, and recently used a 35lbs. kettle bell for her Sumo Deadlift High Pulls . . . which she would have shied away from not too long ago.

This is the stuff that life is made of . . . incremental improvements achieved through consistent effort. Cindy is a great example of someone who didn't really believe she could, but acted anyway. And through that action, her belief has caught up to the reality of "I can!"

It's good stuff . . . and what keeps me coming back day after day . . . to get to see you achieve what you once thought was unachievable.

Cindy, you are and will continue to be an inspiration to the people who think they can't but hope they can.

Keep bringing on your PRs and Bright Spots!

-Coach Rebecca

[Beginning January 8th, Cindy is transitioning from personal training to our 3x/week "Fit n Fabulous" class membership. Only 6 memberships are being sold per class track (a.m. or p.m.). A waiting list will be taken once those are filled. If you are interested in having fun while becoming a better and happier you, add the membership now.]

Rebecca Boskovic