January Challenge

Jump-start your
New Year's Resolution!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

*Who: Anyone ... from 5 - 95

*What: A challenge to do 480 push-ups (scaled to 240 or Rx+ 960) in January...at your own level (somewhere between floor and wall)

*What else: You will do your 1min Max Push-ups baseline & final assessments either in person at our gym or send me both videos done at home.

*When: January ... with Kick-Off Saturday December 30th 12:00pm, and Wrap-Up January 27th 12:00pm

*Where: Daily challenge can be done at your home.

Kick-Off and Wrap-Up held here at our gym: 402 E Evergreen St. in Wheaton.

*Why: To get stronger.

*How much...you choose between:

  • FREE - submit your baseline and final videos from home.
  • $20 - to be coached in the standards, and to join the fun Kick-Off and Wrap-Up (simply bring cash to the Kick-Off)

*How: To participate (and be eligible to win a prize for greatest improvement), simply enter your email below. We'll get you signed up . . . and send you the link to the standards video.