Apartments & Studio Spaces
In these first few weeks, in addition to finding living and gym spaces, I’ll also spend time each day on outreach and networking.
I checked out No Excuses CrossFit during their Granite Games. While little children used my propped up legs on the bleacher as an archway to tunnel under, I had the honor of meeting Kyle Maynard’s sister and hearing a bit about the origins of No Excuses CF.
As for apartments…drove 20 minutes to one for a supposed tour only to find out they have nothing. No loss there…the vibe was stale and off.
On my way back, I ventured a stop at a complex I’d admired while visiting in December. Figuring it would be too pricey, I hadn’t considered it…but stopped to check it out nonetheless. There’s nothing like NEW…smells, construction, amenities. This place felt hip and accessible. The cost for a 1BR was $400/mo. over budget. Ouch. But there’s something about the level of security getting into the communal spaces with the pass key that made that $400 seem all of a sudden possible.
Then I asked about their commercial lease availabilities. Being new…NONE of their retail spaces are fully operational yet. And it turns out that they have an apartment/retail dual purpose option. It would give me 800 sq ft instead of the 1000-2000 I’d hoped for…and of course more expensive per square foot than I want to pay,…and yet it somehow feels very appealing right now. Is that the newness part? The “two for one” feeling? I have my mentor’s voice going through my head “start lean”…and “it’s better to lease for less in an imperfect location, than too much in a perfect location”.
Definitely sleeping on all of it. Perhaps my <2 years of tax returns will make them uninterested in leasing to me anyway. And as for that apartment space that I’ll no longer need after my family moves up here? It would work well for my father-in-law…and make it easier to find a house that fits our family if we don’t need an inlaw’s basement unit.
As for fitness philosophy…I’m still searching for the perfect fit…for how to best help people. Not sure if my willingness to consider all possibilities is a help or a hindrance. Nonetheless, at some point I’ll need to make a choice…knowing that none of them are perfect.
My kids and husband are already adapting to me being gone. That’s a relief. And from afar, I’m making it a point to connect with them every day…which somehow doesn’t always happen at home. Definitely a silver lining to this whole endeavor.