Gentle Warm Up

(credit: Kate Galliet)

Wonderful warmup for any day


  1. Rotate head L/R x3
  2. Rotate head Up/Down x3
  3. Double chin -> neutral x3
  4. Turtle neck -> neutral x3
  5. Double chin -> chin-to-chest -> double chin -> neutral x3
  6. Turtle neck -> look up -> turtle neck -> neutral x3
  7. Double chin -> chin-to-chest -> turn chin from one shoulder to other shoulder -> back to center -> double chin -> neutral x3
  8. Turtle neck -> look up -> sweep eyes from one corner of the room to the other corner -> back to center -> turtle neck -> neutral x3


  1. ROTATIONS: With arm by your side and thumb facing forward -> move arm forward as if going to shake someone’s hand -> continue until fingers are pointed upward and arm can no longer move backwards -> rotate palm out as if high-fiving the air -> and continue to rotate hand as arm moves backwards, down and around -> ending with arm by your side and pinkie facing forward. REVERSE by moving arm back, up, and around to front -> with hand in the thumb-forward position. x3/side
  2. PINCH & SHRUG FORWARD: As if drawing circles with your shoulders, begin with pinching shoulder blades -> shrug -> move shoulders forward, around down, and back to pinch. x3
  3. SHRUG & PINCH BACKWARDS: Begin with shrugging your shoulders -> move shoulders back to pinching shoulder blades -> move down, forward and up, back to shrug. x3


Cow/Cat - from all fours position, with back in neutral spine, go through the S-L-O-W cow/cat progression.

  • Tilt hip slowly forward -> and at an almost imperceptible rate, one vertebra at a time until neck is tilted up towards the ceiling…and client is in the full “cow” position.
  • Reverse movement -> tilt neck forward until chin is tucked into chest, and ever so slowly, one vertebra at a time until tailbone is tucked under…and client is in the full “cat” position.


  • Beginning in Cow position, pull same side shoulder and hip towards each other creating a C with the spine -> return to Cow. Repeat on opposite side, making sure to return to Cow position between each C. x3
  • Repeat sequence above, except begin in Cat position before each C is created with the spine. x3

Wiggly Worm - move spine in a myriad of directions and combinations


  1. Begin standing while holding onto a stable object -> keeping every part of the body supported, lift the outside knee up in front of body to full range -> open leg as if a door -> rotate shin and foot backwards until parallel with the floor -> move leg around back, while keeping the heel close to the butt -> bring knee below body pointed downward.
  2. REVERSE sequence -> drive knee back with heel still close to butt -> pull leg around outside until shin and foot are parallel to ground -> let heel lower so that leg resemblesa door again -> rotate leg back in front of body with knee lifted to full height -> lower leg until foot is on ground. x3/side
  3. GLUTES: Skiers -> move hands to one side and bottom to the opposite direction. Switch sides. x3
  4. CALF MUSCLE: Gas pedal -> with one foot slightly out in front of the other -> pull toes toward shin -> pull toes out to the side as foot rotates -> lower foot to the ground -> reverse: pull toes back up towards shin -> rotate foot to beginning position while keeping toes pulled towards shin -> lower foot to ground. x3/side

Aerobic Capacity Standard Warm Up

(credit: Chris Hinshaw)

Use this warm up before any rigorous aerobic workouts that require hip and leg stability:

Initial Warm Up

  1. 200m walk
  2. 200m easy jog

Dynamic Flexibility

  1. leg swings Front/Back x8/side
  2. leg swing R/L x8/side
  3. ankle rotations x8/side/each direction
  4. knee touches 3x3sec/leg with toe 4+ inches from wall...leaning in to just touching wall

Hip Mobility (each performed for length of standard room)

  1. sideways high knee karaoke drill (length of room) 1x/direction
  2. "fence step over": high knee angled out lift up and over imaginary fence
  3. walking while pulling knee to chest, standing tall
  4. walking pulling inner handle up to chest

Drills (each performed for length of standard room with walk between efforts)

  1. walking lunges with arms reaching over head and pelvic tilt "samson stretch"
  2. walking lunges with twist towards side of forward knee
  3. woodpecker (stand on 1 leg, bend at waist, touch ground with 2 hands, while other raises at 90deg)
  4. soldier march, straight leg kick-up with opposite hand touching
  5. high knee running in place and then tilting forward to cross room
  6. butt kicks in place and then tilting forward to cross room
  7. crouching side shuffle in each direction
  8. side step jumping jacks

Stride Outs (walking recovery between efforts)

  1. 1x80m at 75% PE (perceived effort)
  2. 1x80m at 80% PE
  3. 1x80m at 85% PE
  4. 1x80m at 90% PE
  5. 1x80m at 95% PE