Gentle Warm Up
(credit: Kate Galliet)
Wonderful warmup for any day
- Rotate head L/R x3
- Rotate head Up/Down x3
- Double chin -> neutral x3
- Turtle neck -> neutral x3
- Double chin -> chin-to-chest -> double chin -> neutral x3
- Turtle neck -> look up -> turtle neck -> neutral x3
- Double chin -> chin-to-chest -> turn chin from one shoulder to other shoulder -> back to center -> double chin -> neutral x3
- Turtle neck -> look up -> sweep eyes from one corner of the room to the other corner -> back to center -> turtle neck -> neutral x3
- ROTATIONS: With arm by your side and thumb facing forward -> move arm forward as if going to shake someone’s hand -> continue until fingers are pointed upward and arm can no longer move backwards -> rotate palm out as if high-fiving the air -> and continue to rotate hand as arm moves backwards, down and around -> ending with arm by your side and pinkie facing forward. REVERSE by moving arm back, up, and around to front -> with hand in the thumb-forward position. x3/side
- PINCH & SHRUG FORWARD: As if drawing circles with your shoulders, begin with pinching shoulder blades -> shrug -> move shoulders forward, around down, and back to pinch. x3
- SHRUG & PINCH BACKWARDS: Begin with shrugging your shoulders -> move shoulders back to pinching shoulder blades -> move down, forward and up, back to shrug. x3
Cow/Cat - from all fours position, with back in neutral spine, go through the S-L-O-W cow/cat progression.
- Tilt hip slowly forward -> and at an almost imperceptible rate, one vertebra at a time until neck is tilted up towards the ceiling…and client is in the full “cow” position.
- Reverse movement -> tilt neck forward until chin is tucked into chest, and ever so slowly, one vertebra at a time until tailbone is tucked under…and client is in the full “cat” position.
- Beginning in Cow position, pull same side shoulder and hip towards each other creating a C with the spine -> return to Cow. Repeat on opposite side, making sure to return to Cow position between each C. x3
- Repeat sequence above, except begin in Cat position before each C is created with the spine. x3
Wiggly Worm - move spine in a myriad of directions and combinations
- Begin standing while holding onto a stable object -> keeping every part of the body supported, lift the outside knee up in front of body to full range -> open leg as if a door -> rotate shin and foot backwards until parallel with the floor -> move leg around back, while keeping the heel close to the butt -> bring knee below body pointed downward.
- REVERSE sequence -> drive knee back with heel still close to butt -> pull leg around outside until shin and foot are parallel to ground -> let heel lower so that leg resemblesa door again -> rotate leg back in front of body with knee lifted to full height -> lower leg until foot is on ground. x3/side
- GLUTES: Skiers -> move hands to one side and bottom to the opposite direction. Switch sides. x3
- CALF MUSCLE: Gas pedal -> with one foot slightly out in front of the other -> pull toes toward shin -> pull toes out to the side as foot rotates -> lower foot to the ground -> reverse: pull toes back up towards shin -> rotate foot to beginning position while keeping toes pulled towards shin -> lower foot to ground. x3/side
Aerobic Capacity Standard Warm Up
(credit: Chris Hinshaw)
Use this warm up before any rigorous aerobic workouts that require hip and leg stability:
Initial Warm Up
- 200m walk
- 200m easy jog
Dynamic Flexibility
- leg swings Front/Back x8/side
- leg swing R/L x8/side
- ankle rotations x8/side/each direction
- knee touches 3x3sec/leg with toe 4+ inches from wall...leaning in to just touching wall
Hip Mobility (each performed for length of standard room)
- sideways high knee karaoke drill (length of room) 1x/direction
- "fence step over": high knee angled out lift up and over imaginary fence
- walking while pulling knee to chest, standing tall
- walking pulling inner handle up to chest
Drills (each performed for length of standard room with walk between efforts)
- walking lunges with arms reaching over head and pelvic tilt "samson stretch"
- walking lunges with twist towards side of forward knee
- woodpecker (stand on 1 leg, bend at waist, touch ground with 2 hands, while other raises at 90deg)
- soldier march, straight leg kick-up with opposite hand touching
- high knee running in place and then tilting forward to cross room
- butt kicks in place and then tilting forward to cross room
- crouching side shuffle in each direction
- side step jumping jacks
Stride Outs (walking recovery between efforts)
- 1x80m at 75% PE (perceived effort)
- 1x80m at 80% PE
- 1x80m at 85% PE
- 1x80m at 90% PE
- 1x80m at 95% PE