Your Worth

i will tell you, my daughter
of your worth
not your beauty
every day. (your beauty is a given, every being is
born beautiful).
knowing your worth
can save your life.
raising you on beauty alone
you will be starved.
you will be raw.
you will be weak.
an easy stomach.
always in need of someone telling you how
beautiful you are.

- nayyirah waheed


After the birth of my first daughter, I studied up on how to be a capable parent. I combined what I read with observations I'd collected over the first 30 years of my life. Among the handful of values I assimilated, some of the more relevant include:

  • emphasize the efforts that lead to achievement (rather than the end product)
  • confidence comes from solving and overcoming obstacles (not from holding up an ego)
  • if they can do something, they should
  • help them build their strengths, and their sense of worth will follow

Likewise, to my children I have taught:

  • a stressed mind cannot make effective decisions. breath first . . . then decide how to proceed
  • always trust your gut
  • don't expose yourself to anything that drains your energy (including "fashion" magazines)
  • beauty is a natural outpouring of strength. aim for strength, and everything else will take care of itself

Now as a fitness coach, I want to help others discover these same truths for themselves.

Whether you are:

  • a grade school child who feels out of step in a gym class
  • a teenager who needs to be shepherded across the rocky terrains of adolescence
  • a woman who isn't ready to give up hope
  • a man who has never found his place at the gym's benchpress
  • a senior citizen who refuses to lie down for age

. . . exercise builds you up and allows you to take advantage of all life has to offer.

Come build your strength, then confidence, and then more strength in the four walls of our garage gym.

-Coach Rebecca

Rebecca Boskovic