Serve from Your Overflow


Remember that last moment when you realized that someone appreciated your presence. They mentioned that you had an aura about you that seemed grounded, kind, gentle, and most importantly self-aware. In that moment you agreed with them and noted with self-assurance that you were important no matter what obstacles in life you faced. And, it was true.

Somehow you were spurred on to perform acts of service to your family, friends, and neighbors. You became a giver of givers—the one who gives of herself regardless of how drained she might feel. You even found ways to rise above the struggles for balance and the desire to be a role model for others.


Months turned into years and years into a decade or two. You soon realized that you had spent a lifetime giving without taking care of yourself. You were drained. You were buried in a sea of service, lost to ever really knowing who you were outside of the acts of kindness you performed. You wanted a change.


Your mind raged through unchartered thoughts, not knowing if the ideas popping into your head were healthy, selfish, or desperately needed. You saw a complexity of levels within your life that required attention and care, but no one was around to see you back to emotional and mental health.


That is when you wanted more for yourself. It was time to no longer ignore your needs in the name of taking care of others. It was time to stop depleting yourself for the sake of others and learn how to help others from your overflow.


Then you watched your daughter and realized that she was following you down the wrong path of life. For her sake, you realized that you had to demonstrate how to help others from your overflow, not from the choices that depleted you in the process. She needed to see what healthy service looked like, not an ongoing sacrificial service that would never be returned.


You also noticed your daughter was focused on beauty for all the wrong reasons. Why? Because she had watched you attempt to improve on your look of feeling drained. She watched you paint on a face before you entered the world again and again. She hadn’t seen your inner beauty rise to those around you because she only saw the tired woman helping too many others, some of which were never thankful.


But today, you are ready to live from the inside out. You want your inner beauty to rise above an outer beauty that can be painted on. You want your daughter to see the joy of life rise in your personality and touch those around you without being depleted. You want the right balance in your life to generate an overflow that you share with others and is seen daily by your daughter.


This new year brings the opportunity to work on your important relationships, especially with those who look up to you, such as with your daughter. By first taking care of yourself, you allow her to watch and follow your example as she always does…though this time, the example you want to set. You are ready to face the challenges of overcoming any sense of timidity or fear-based caution, and embrace your life with a discipline that generates self-control and balance.


You are ready for rowing, push-ups, weights, and cardio work. You are ready to prepare yourself for the purpose God will soon reveal for this year and you will be fit enough to take it on with more energy than you’ve ever had in the past.


Now is your chance to own it.


It’s time to generate an overflow from which to bless others.


You will have strength for life by developing your body, eating habits, and mindset. No one else can do this for you. It is all your choice. Make the decision to start developing the strength for life from the inside out and see how the joy that comes with proper self-care empowers you from within.


This is your year to let your inward beauty shine outward to all around. Let them see your true self as you share your overflowing joy with those around you. And, remember to take care of yourself daily to prepare your daughter to do the same for herself. After all, you are both worth it. You both deserve to ride the waves of your success.

Book your Free Call today to make this happen.

- Coach Rebecca

Rebecca Boskovic