Dead Weight
This past week has been a whirlwind of visiting new friends, reconnecting with my family, and attempting to sort and then give away, throw away, or sell 18 years of accumulation of stuff.
Weeding is tedious work. Unless you’re willing to rototill the whole patch or use Roundup, it’s one weed at a time. Add to it that the weeds are items filled with memories and ties…and it’s slow going.
I’ve given myself one week to get rid of every negative or unused item in our house.
Yet here I am on day 5, and it feels like glacial speed.
Until now, I’ve given some effort to sell some of the nicer items on our local FB garage sale site. It’s satisfying to find a home for an object…and get cash in return. But the truth is that the whole thing is a waste of my time.
I need to get back to GA and make money.
So, in an act of what feels like tremendous bravery, I am going to pull out the few things I want to keep…and give/throw away the rest. Anything that could actually fetch money, I’ll box up to sell later.
I’m giving myself today and tomorrow to clear my family of the burden of this dead weight.